
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Joy Instead of Discouragement

Last night was the third meeting of Lake Bible Arts (if you count the first one, which nobody showed up to). We had a very successful event, although it may not seem like it as you read on.

Ekphrastic poetry is poetry written in response to a piece of art, usually a painting. I like the idea of applying that to all the arts, so when I sent the event reminder to my small email list, I asked everyone to bring something they had created, for us to respond to with new work. I myself printed out three of my poems, and brought a variety of other artworks in case anyone showed up without something.

I got to the church early to set up: I planned to give my testimony as an artist, so I put out a circle of chairs for everyone to sit in. I set up a table for the art everyone was supposed to bring. There were two additional tables for creating new work, one covered with a tablecloth for the painters. Both rested on a tarp to protect the carpet. A fourth table held snacks.

Everything was ready with time to spare. While I waited, I helped myself to some snacks and watched a few YouTube videos on my tablet. The time to start came and went.

Nobody showed up.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Learning Curve

We often experience periods of marked growth in various aspects of our lives. When I was in the Air Force, I encountered various stages of learning and experience, from Basic Military Training, to deployment, to being an NCO. Each stage had its own learning curve - some steeper than others – and they’re all standing me in good stead now, especially the program management experience I gained toward the end of my time in service.

It recently came to my attention that I have now been out of the Air Force for two years, and let me tell you: those two years have presented some learning curves of their own. One of the nice things about those periods of growth is all the communication I’ve been seeing from God - it’s pretty much everywhere. There are the usual places; the Bible, sermons at church, RZIM messages, etc. And then there’s the music.